Wednesday, June 01, 2005


Lately, I've been feeling a strong sense of isolation. My new job requires working from home, which is great. I've worked from home for more than four years, and then spent a bit more than a year at another job that required actually leaving the house to work.

I never really felt isolated before, but I do now. I think it's because writing doesn't require working with a group -- but doing systems admin does require group work occasionally, but I feel completely isolated from my co-workers. I feel detached and not at all connected to the other people I work with. Not a pleasant feeling really.

Not sure the new gig is working out. The job would be a lot to chew on no matter what, but there's been virtually no "training" and there's a lot of custom stuff that requires special knowledge - some of which is easily available, some of which is hard to come by and requires cornering the previous admin to try to pump them for information. Not easy, not fun, very frustrating.
Post! You should post!
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